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"Lets us not love with actions or speech, but with actions and in truth" - 1 John 3:18

FPC Orangeburg desires to join Christ where he is already at work in our world — in Orangeburg and across the globe. We do so personally, by sharing the mercy and love that God has shown us with others. We also do this with community partners, stewarding our resources to support them in their work.


Community Involvement

The purpose of community involvement is to better the community and expand God’s kingdom in Orangeburg. This is done through a variety of local missions and developing partnerships with other local churches. Some of our current outreach opportunities:

Thanksgiving boxes

First Presbyterian Church annually collects food and distributes it in “thanksgiving boxes” to those in need. Watch for further communication concerning this ministry at church.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA)

When a disaster strikes, whether natural or man-made, this ministry coordinates with the Red Cross and other national, state and local disaster assistance programs in order to provide timely and efficient use of resources in helping those in need. If interested, please contact Preston Walter at 531-5009.

Blood Drives

First Presbyterian regularly participates in blood drives, helping keep the blood bank in operation. Watch for further communication in the church concerning the next blood drive.

Coat ministry

First Presbyterian Church annually collects coats for distribution for those in need. If you would like to donate a coat, simply bring it to the church office.

Habitat for Humanity

First Presbyterian Church works closely with and supports bettering the community through the wonderful ministry of Habitat for Humanity.



Ways You Can Connect With FPC to serve our community

  • Volunteering with our partner organizations or at community events.


  • Special offerings and projects for disaster relief, mission work, and other needs.


  • Use our building for something great! FPC offers our facilities to host outside events and organizations. Our website has links to our building use policy here.

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